7 Pitfalls to avoid in Overcoming Binge Eating

7 Pitfalls to avoid in Overcoming Binge Eating

What is Binge Eating? Binge eating, also known as Binge Eating Disorder (BED), is a mental health condition characterised by recurrent episodes of consuming large amounts of food while feeling a lack of control. These episodes are typically marked by distress and...
Coping with intense emotions

Coping with intense emotions

Have you ever found yourself experiencing intense emotions where you feel overwhelmed and out of control? These are the times when it feels like you just can’t think straight and often do things that just makes the situation worse. In these situations what is...
The Science of Attachment

The Science of Attachment

The Impact of Childhood Attachment on Adult Relationships Attachment theory explains how the early emotional bonds between children and their caregivers shape their social and emotional development, impacting their relationships throughout life. At its core,...